Clarity In Care was established in 2010 to provide a resource for those families who just don’t know where to go, or what to do to get the assistance necessary to care for a loved one.  While we do not provide the services directly, we can assist you with getting the answers you need.  With personal experiences from our staff over time, dealing with the same struggles, we established Clarity In Care to reduce the need for struggles.

We are a multi-disciplinary team of medical and professional staff dedicated to answering your questions as quickly as possible.  Together we have over 210 years of combined experience consisting of Registered Nurses, Licensed Social Workers, Psychologists, and Pastoral Care providers, taking the time to read your questions and respond to your unique circumstances.  

We are not a “canned” medical information site but real staff whom have worked in hospitals, clinics, hospice, pastoral care, social work in private practice and community services.  

Understanding your situation by being in comparable or similar situations and know the road to answers can be challenging.  

We will provide Clarity in Care.

In order for us to best assist you please fill out our Registration page to get in touch with one of our more than qualified staff members to assist you.